Long a holding page cool in its own right, the site has burst into a new and edgier look: color-saturated and overprocessed photography lends a rich grit like a mouthful of sparkling carborundum, but a spare design and engaging, personable writing keep it engaging and earnest.
The site will not be -- refuses to be -- e-commerce-enabled. (Sorry, friends, you'll still have to come to us for your fix.) What it will do is promulgate its brand, which is something we can get behind: We love Jeffrey Campbell for its honest and glee-filled approach to shoemaking and their outspoken support and construction of a style-loving community.
On their site you'll find interviews with Jeffrey Campbell clients, posts of customers displaying mad shoe love, video (soonly) and various giveaway opportunities. We also have to thank the site for introducing us to Muxtape, currently a job-threatening obsession. We haven't made a mix tape since '86; Muxtape brings that DIY musical curation into the digital sphere ... and it's even more fun!
Take a look and come right back to let us know what you think!