Lori's supplied a pair of cap toe, herringbone Deer Stags pumps to one TimeOut writer who had the assignment of wearing the 4+'' heels for three straight days. The verdict?
"The shoes make my hips move in crazy-fun ways, and the added height is empowering."
We couldn't have said it better.
In the September '07 edition of Where magazine, Lori's was tabbed as the City's shoe “"Save," noting the Lincoln Park location has, "arguably the best selection in the city, especially in the under-$100 price range."
And finally, Lori's made an appearance in the Wednesday, September 12 Sun Times, lending an expert opinion on the upcoming season's trends. View the spread for a full rundown, but Lori had three tips for footwear: flat boots, booties, and mary janes.
Thanks, Chicago.