A couple of quick hits from Nardcotix today, hard to believe that this is my final post for 2009! Nardya Rousellot has just released a fantastic basic pump in 20 great shades and there is a special pre-release of the Nuria MaryJanes to accompany a great look from DCNY Clothing Co. too!

The Nuria MaryJanes (in Black & White) were sent to me for a peek weeks ago, and I had forgotten all about them until I was shooting some ads for DCNY, they were a perfect match with the new outfit so I contacted Nardya to release the preview pair at the DCNY Store today, to correspond with the release of the Madelene Outfit. Yay!

Also, responding to a special request from a customer, Nardya has released the Rebekah Pumps, a simple and perfect heel, in 20 gorgeous colors. You get both a colored heel and a black heeled version of the shoes in each pack, 2 pairs for the price of one, fantastic! You can find these goodies at the Nardcotix Main Store located here.

Have a fantastic New Year's Eve, and don't forget to visit DCNY to get the Nuria Shoes, additional colors will be made available soon, but for now the only place to get them is at the DCNY Main Store on Xalapa, here.
The Stuff:
Look 1 - Skin: LeLutka, Hair/Hat: Maitreya, Outfit: DCNY Clothing Co., Ring: Donna Flora.
Look 2 - Skin: LeLutka, Hair Pieces: booN (custom modified), Dress/Tights: Oyakin for Designers United, Earrings & Ring: Donna Flora.