greenlabelcampaign Project

*New GLC Project*
Sticker adalah karya seni yang dipandang cukup memberikan
kontribusi dalam penyebaran informasi mengenai suatu hal.
Typografi, tata letak, dan perpaduan warna menjadi kesatuan
utuh dalam komponen sticker.
Oleh karena itu Green Label Campaign pun mengadakan sebuah
kompetisi desain yang bisa diikuti oleh siapa saja yang
mempunyai karya original,
untuk nantinya dijadikan sticker resmi keluaran GLC.
*Syarat dan Ketentuan
- Mengambil tema tentang “save the forest for the future”
- Desain dapat berupa typografi, karakter, dan segala macam desain
- Setiap Desain mencantumkan alamat resmi web GLC,
- Desain disarankan menggunakan Software Photoshop dan CorelDraw
- Resolusi bebas, namun sebisa mungkin lebih dari 800x800(utk Psd.)
- Setiap desain menyertakan format JPEG dan format aslinya(cdr. ,Psd.)
- Desain dikirim ke Subject : sticker
competition, sertakan data diri dan contact person.
*Cara registrasi
- Membayar biaya pendaftaran Rp.15.000,-
- Menyetor biaya pendaftaran (tunai/transfer) ke No.rek 0132290596
Bank BNI46, a.n bastoni lamhot h
- Kemudian langsung melakukan konfirmasi ke no. 08567542784.
Sebutkan data diri. Lalu tunggu instruksi selanjutnya.
- Desain yang masuk akan di seleksi oleh tim yang sudah di tentukan GLC
- Tidak akan ada kecurangan dalam tahap seleksi nantinya.
Karena Tim penilai dipilih berdasarkan kapasitasnya masing-masing
- Pemenang akan diumumkan di web resmi GLC
- Desain pemenang akan di cetak sebagai Sticker resmi GLC dan akan
disebarluaskan kepada publik
- Pemenang akan mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai Rp.100.000,-
- T-shirt resmi GLC limited edition yang hanya di cetak 1 pcs saja.
- Sticker hasil desainnya sendiri.
greenlabelcampaign Project

*New GLC Project*
Sticker adalah karya seni yang dipandang cukup memberikan
kontribusi dalam penyebaran informasi mengenai suatu hal.
Typografi, tata letak, dan perpaduan warna menjadi kesatuan
utuh dalam komponen sticker.
Oleh karena itu Green Label Campaign pun mengadakan sebuah
kompetisi desain yang bisa diikuti oleh siapa saja yang
mempunyai karya original,
untuk nantinya dijadikan sticker resmi keluaran GLC.
*Syarat dan Ketentuan
- Mengambil tema tentang “save the forest for the future”
- Desain dapat berupa typografi, karakter, dan segala macam desain
- Setiap Desain mencantumkan alamat resmi web GLC,
- Desain disarankan menggunakan Software Photoshop dan CorelDraw
- Resolusi bebas, namun sebisa mungkin lebih dari 800x800(utk Psd.)
- Setiap desain menyertakan format JPEG dan format aslinya(cdr. ,Psd.)
- Desain dikirim ke Subject : sticker
competition, sertakan data diri dan contact person.
*Cara registrasi
- Membayar biaya pendaftaran Rp.15.000,-
- Menyetor biaya pendaftaran (tunai/transfer) ke No.rek 0132290596
Bank BNI46, a.n bastoni lamhot h
- Kemudian langsung melakukan konfirmasi ke no. 08567542784.
Sebutkan data diri. Lalu tunggu instruksi selanjutnya.
- Desain yang masuk akan di seleksi oleh tim yang sudah di tentukan GLC
- Tidak akan ada kecurangan dalam tahap seleksi nantinya.
Karena Tim penilai dipilih berdasarkan kapasitasnya masing-masing
- Pemenang akan diumumkan di web resmi GLC
- Desain pemenang akan di cetak sebagai Sticker resmi GLC dan akan
disebarluaskan kepada publik
- Pemenang akan mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai Rp.100.000,-
- T-shirt resmi GLC limited edition yang hanya di cetak 1 pcs saja.
- Sticker hasil desainnya sendiri.
greenlabelcampaign Project

*New GLC Project*
Sticker adalah karya seni yang dipandang cukup memberikan
kontribusi dalam penyebaran informasi mengenai suatu hal.
Typografi, tata letak, dan perpaduan warna menjadi kesatuan
utuh dalam komponen sticker.
Oleh karena itu Green Label Campaign pun mengadakan sebuah
kompetisi desain yang bisa diikuti oleh siapa saja yang
mempunyai karya original,
untuk nantinya dijadikan sticker resmi keluaran GLC.
*Syarat dan Ketentuan
- Mengambil tema tentang “save the forest for the future”
- Desain dapat berupa typografi, karakter, dan segala macam desain
- Setiap Desain mencantumkan alamat resmi web GLC,
- Desain disarankan menggunakan Software Photoshop dan CorelDraw
- Resolusi bebas, namun sebisa mungkin lebih dari 800x800(utk Psd.)
- Setiap desain menyertakan format JPEG dan format aslinya(cdr. ,Psd.)
- Desain dikirim ke Subject : sticker
competition, sertakan data diri dan contact person.
*Cara registrasi
- Membayar biaya pendaftaran Rp.15.000,-
- Menyetor biaya pendaftaran (tunai/transfer) ke No.rek 0132290596
Bank BNI46, a.n bastoni lamhot h
- Kemudian langsung melakukan konfirmasi ke no. 08567542784.
Sebutkan data diri. Lalu tunggu instruksi selanjutnya.
- Desain yang masuk akan di seleksi oleh tim yang sudah di tentukan GLC
- Tidak akan ada kecurangan dalam tahap seleksi nantinya.
Karena Tim penilai dipilih berdasarkan kapasitasnya masing-masing
- Pemenang akan diumumkan di web resmi GLC
- Desain pemenang akan di cetak sebagai Sticker resmi GLC dan akan
disebarluaskan kepada publik
- Pemenang akan mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai Rp.100.000,-
- T-shirt resmi GLC limited edition yang hanya di cetak 1 pcs saja.
- Sticker hasil desainnya sendiri.
Nightmare before Christmas - Blog Train Freebie!

Enjoy this FREE "Stocking Stuffer" from Royanna Fritschmann to CELEBRATE "Christmas in July"
Make sure to sign up for my NEWSLETTER here on my blog on the top right navagation bar. Be entered in to WIN my ENTIRE STORE for a WHOLE YEAR!!!!
Download has been removed but you can still get in online in my boutique @ Divine Digital. :)
Ho, Ho, Ho!
Nightmare before Christmas - Blog Train Freebie!

Enjoy this FREE "Stocking Stuffer" from Royanna Fritschmann to CELEBRATE "Christmas in July"
Make sure to sign up for my NEWSLETTER here on my blog on the top right navagation bar. Be entered in to WIN my ENTIRE STORE for a WHOLE YEAR!!!!
Download has been removed but you can still get in online in my boutique @ Divine Digital. :)
Ho, Ho, Ho!
Nightmare before Christmas - Blog Train Freebie!

Enjoy this FREE "Stocking Stuffer" from Royanna Fritschmann to CELEBRATE "Christmas in July"
Make sure to sign up for my NEWSLETTER here on my blog on the top right navagation bar. Be entered in to WIN my ENTIRE STORE for a WHOLE YEAR!!!!
Download has been removed but you can still get in online in my boutique @ Divine Digital. :)
Ho, Ho, Ho!
An Interview is an Interview is an Interview with Carla Mancini

I think this fall season is about exotics, animal prints, python prints, and color. Add purple, cobalt, green, red to your outfit. It just works, bringing some excitement to the black and brown that we have seen for so many years. I see also a lot of studs and embellishments. We need a mood enhancer, especially in these times.
You’ve said you are inspired by the vintage look and Italian culture. What else?
My friends – the special women in my life – have been the greatest source of inspiration. Their needs and also the excitement on their face when I come up with a new style is priceless. We live in a world that is so demanding. Our bags become heavier by the day – the iPods, cell phones, wallets, you name it. How can we still look stylish and sexy while we carry all this weight and responsibility? This is where I get challenged and inspired.
When you got started in design, did you know it was handbags that would ultimately be your passion?
The bags I had seen in movies always attracted me. Sophia Lauren had a great bag in one of her movies that I must have replayed a dozen times. The clutches that were in the Dallas episodes were among my favorite. As a teenager I was intrigued by this strange desire to know what was in my mother's friend’s purses, so sometimes I would ask if I could look … whatever it is that we carry says so much about who we are.
Why do you choose to have everything hand-made in Los Angeles?
There is a certain character about the bags made here. For some reason when we produce something overseas and the workmanship is perfect – sometimes even better – it is still not appealing to me. It loses its character.
I know the work and effort behind every bag. The fact that we can create jobs for people that live in the US, and especially in my city, makes me feel good. They put their energy, their heart and passion in what they are doing and that is reflected in the product.
See Available Carla Mancini Bags
FREE! Bella Rustica - Featured Designer Royanna Fritschmann
Day 18 - Royanna Fritschmann, Studio RA Designs
Full FREE kit Available for 24 hours - July 18 @ Divine Digital
ENJOY the FREE Download-A-DAY
"Bella Rustica"
From our Featured Designers :
Cyndi Wetmiller, Wetfish Designs
Janine R., Foxy Designs
Royanna Fritschmann, Studio RA Designs
Join us in collecting a new kit EVERY DAY,
July 16 - 31
with our FREE daily download!
Exclusively @ Divine Digital | |
Make sure to visit my boutique:
| Studio RA Designs |
CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD today's FREE KIT @ Divine Digital!
FREE! Bella Rustica - Featured Designer Royanna Fritschmann
Day 18 - Royanna Fritschmann, Studio RA Designs
Full FREE kit Available for 24 hours - July 18 @ Divine Digital
ENJOY the FREE Download-A-DAY
"Bella Rustica"
From our Featured Designers :
Cyndi Wetmiller, Wetfish Designs
Janine R., Foxy Designs
Royanna Fritschmann, Studio RA Designs
Join us in collecting a new kit EVERY DAY,
July 16 - 31
with our FREE daily download!
Exclusively @ Divine Digital | |
Make sure to visit my boutique:
| Studio RA Designs |
CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD today's FREE KIT @ Divine Digital!
FREE! Bella Rustica - Featured Designer Royanna Fritschmann
Day 18 - Royanna Fritschmann, Studio RA Designs
Full FREE kit Available for 24 hours - July 18 @ Divine Digital
ENJOY the FREE Download-A-DAY
"Bella Rustica"
From our Featured Designers :
Cyndi Wetmiller, Wetfish Designs
Janine R., Foxy Designs
Royanna Fritschmann, Studio RA Designs
Join us in collecting a new kit EVERY DAY,
July 16 - 31
with our FREE daily download!
Exclusively @ Divine Digital | |
Make sure to visit my boutique:
| Studio RA Designs |
CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD today's FREE KIT @ Divine Digital!
"Bella Rustica" Check out kit Layouts! My CT RAWKS!!!!
Layout by: TallulaMoon
Link to full layout:
Layout by: CSVanness
Link to full layout:
Layout by: LayoutsByMia
Link to full layout:
Layout by: LayoutsByMia
Link to full layout:
"Bella Rustica" Check out kit Layouts! My CT RAWKS!!!!
Layout by: TallulaMoon
Link to full layout:
Layout by: CSVanness
Link to full layout:
Layout by: LayoutsByMia
Link to full layout:
Layout by: LayoutsByMia
Link to full layout:
"Bella Rustica" Check out kit Layouts! My CT RAWKS!!!!
Layout by: TallulaMoon
Link to full layout:
Layout by: CSVanness
Link to full layout:
Layout by: LayoutsByMia
Link to full layout:
Layout by: LayoutsByMia
Link to full layout:
The Converse Home
The majority of this seven-by-three bay Federal style structure was constructed by William Chase Harrington, one of Burlington's earliest attorneys circa 1799. It is perhaps one of the oldest and best documented of Burlington's old homes and has survived numerous additions, alterations and events relatively intact. The central portion of the building, or the five bays containing the highly decorative entryway and porch, is the oldest section of the building dating from around 1799(17). Originally it was surrounded by an 80 acre farm and orchard as well as a maple sugar grove which was located near what is today the corner of South Union and Kingsland Terrace(18). At the time of its construction and reaching well into the 20th century the home had a wide, unobstructed view of Lake Champlain; a high- rise building now obstructs that line of view.
On January 13, 1801, the Board of Trustees of the University of Vermont met at Harrington's home, then considered far from the center of Burlington because of a ravine which once sliced through the heart of downtown, to sign the by-laws for the University. The next day they met on the campus green and selected the site on which to break ground for the University's first building. In addition to being a founder of UVM, Harrington also played an intricate role in Burlington affairs by serving as a selectmen and as a representative to the General Assembly. Later he would serve as the second state's attorney and it was while in this post that he played a role in one of the most storied occurrences in Burlington history. As State attorney it was his job to prosecute Cyrus P. Dean, one of an eight man smuggling party operating from the boat Black Snake, who was bought to trial for the murder of three custom house officials and sentenced to be executed; the only execution in Burlington history(19).
Harrington died in 1814 and in 1832 Bishop John Hopkins purchased the home from Harrington's heirs and in 1833 added two wings to the original structure to house a planned boy's school. These two wings doubled the size of the building and gave the structure its parapeted gable ends apparent today. Again in 1835 Hopkins once again expanded the building adding two much larger wings, however, the construction put Hopkins into serious debt and he was forced to sell everything he owned. Afterwards the creditors demolished the connecting corridors to the newly built wings and shortly thereafter the new owners of the property dismantled the north wing(20).
In 1844 John K. Converse came into possession of the properties on Church Street and established the Burlington Female Sanctuary within the structures. By 1880 the south wing was also dismantled and Female Seminary was closed, although the Converse family continued to reside in the building. John Converse died in 1880 and in 1921 the Converse family signed over the building to the Home for Aged Woman which has occupied it ever since. In 1932 they built another wing to the north which still stands and in 1954 the official name of the building was changed to the Converse Home(21).
Other historical rumors swirl that the house was a stop on the underground railroad during the Civil War and there are some hidden basement rooms believed to have been used for this purpose. Many also claim that at one time there was a tunnel which led from the Converse residence to the now demolished seminary building.
The Converse Home
The majority of this seven-by-three bay Federal style structure was constructed by William Chase Harrington, one of Burlington's earliest attorneys circa 1799. It is perhaps one of the oldest and best documented of Burlington's old homes and has survived numerous additions, alterations and events relatively intact. The central portion of the building, or the five bays containing the highly decorative entryway and porch, is the oldest section of the building dating from around 1799(17). Originally it was surrounded by an 80 acre farm and orchard as well as a maple sugar grove which was located near what is today the corner of South Union and Kingsland Terrace(18). At the time of its construction and reaching well into the 20th century the home had a wide, unobstructed view of Lake Champlain; a high- rise building now obstructs that line of view.
On January 13, 1801, the Board of Trustees of the University of Vermont met at Harrington's home, then considered far from the center of Burlington because of a ravine which once sliced through the heart of downtown, to sign the by-laws for the University. The next day they met on the campus green and selected the site on which to break ground for the University's first building. In addition to being a founder of UVM, Harrington also played an intricate role in Burlington affairs by serving as a selectmen and as a representative to the General Assembly. Later he would serve as the second state's attorney and it was while in this post that he played a role in one of the most storied occurrences in Burlington history. As State attorney it was his job to prosecute Cyrus P. Dean, one of an eight man smuggling party operating from the boat Black Snake, who was bought to trial for the murder of three custom house officials and sentenced to be executed; the only execution in Burlington history(19).
Harrington died in 1814 and in 1832 Bishop John Hopkins purchased the home from Harrington's heirs and in 1833 added two wings to the original structure to house a planned boy's school. These two wings doubled the size of the building and gave the structure its parapeted gable ends apparent today. Again in 1835 Hopkins once again expanded the building adding two much larger wings, however, the construction put Hopkins into serious debt and he was forced to sell everything he owned. Afterwards the creditors demolished the connecting corridors to the newly built wings and shortly thereafter the new owners of the property dismantled the north wing(20).
In 1844 John K. Converse came into possession of the properties on Church Street and established the Burlington Female Sanctuary within the structures. By 1880 the south wing was also dismantled and Female Seminary was closed, although the Converse family continued to reside in the building. John Converse died in 1880 and in 1921 the Converse family signed over the building to the Home for Aged Woman which has occupied it ever since. In 1932 they built another wing to the north which still stands and in 1954 the official name of the building was changed to the Converse Home(21).
Other historical rumors swirl that the house was a stop on the underground railroad during the Civil War and there are some hidden basement rooms believed to have been used for this purpose. Many also claim that at one time there was a tunnel which led from the Converse residence to the now demolished seminary building.
about converse
More than shoes, Converse is a story of legends, heroes and innovators tied together by the love of sport.
It’s a script that spans nearly a hundred years – the ultimate highlight reel.
about converse
More than shoes, Converse is a story of legends, heroes and innovators tied together by the love of sport.
It’s a script that spans nearly a hundred years – the ultimate highlight reel.